Story Time Plan

This library will host four regular story times a week: a Tuesday AM toddler story time, a Wednesday PM toddler story time, a Monday evening family story time, and a Friday morning baby lap sit story time. Many of the storytimes will be themed to reflect ongoing library programs and holidays. During the summer reading program the Family storytimes will be in keeping with the Summer Reading Challenge “Around the World in 80 Days” and each week will focus on a different culture. The Toddler story times will introduce a different letter of the alahpet each week and pick a theme that begins with the featured letter. Baby Lapsits are only loosely themed and priortize fun and bonding  over a unifying subject. The selected times aim to ensure that all parents, regardless of work and childcare situation, have the opportunity to bond and read with their children. The evening story times will be geared toward working parents. 

AM Toddler Story Time 

PM Toddler Story Time

PM Family Story Time

AM Baby Lap-Sit Story Time 

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