Program Evaluation

Library staff will rely on a combination of surveys, attendance statistics, staff observation to determine how successful a library program is and where improvement is need. Program Surveys will be distributed at the end special programs. The surveys will ask the parents answer the following on a scale from 1 to 5 ( one being strongly disagree, and 5 being strongly agree):

  • After the program I want to spend more time interacting with my child by reading, singing, talking and playing. 
  • I learned new ways to interact with my child
  • I learned new ways to encourage my child’s learning 
  • I enjoyed the program 
  • My child enjoyed the program 

On some occasions the children will be asked to complete an even short evaluation. In which case they would answer the following questions on the same 1 to 5 scale. 

  • I had fun 
  • I learned something new 
  • I will tell my friends about this program

Library staff will also be recording program attendance for ALL programs. This data will show staff which times work better for our patrons, which advertising method yields the largest turn out, and which programs generate the most buzz!

Lastly library staff and volunteers are on the front lines and able to see how engaged our patrons are in the programs, whether or not they are enjoying themselves, and which aspects of the program do they enjoy the most. 

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